Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Some Important Interview Questions

1) Tell me about yourself????

Beware 90% of the interviewers begins with this innocent question initially. This is the initial trap because many students coming to the interview, may be unprepared for this type of question. Many candidates skewer themselves by scrambling, recapping their life story, delving into ancient work history or personal matters. Interviewer tests your language skills here.

Best answer is "don't be tensed, have some water before you walk on to the interview room. Tell about Your qualification first, your achievements from school to college life, only few words regarding family". Almost every interviewer likes to ask this question, so practice this one, practice in front of the mirror, try to rectify where you make mistake. Practice by saying to your friends. Don't use complex words. Key to success is practice and executing your plans in cool manner :-)

My advice is to look the interview panel in pleasing manner, keep the eye contact with panel members and answer the questions which they fire.